WHEREAS, the delivery of applied research and development services to the business community by post secondary institutions will enhance Vermont's business climate; and
WHEREAS, the University of Vermont is the only institution in Vermont with the "critical mass" to assist economic development activities effectively through basic research and applied research and development; and
WHEREAS, the University of Vermont has shown initiative in launching several major activities to respond to the research and development needs of the business community; and
WHEREAS, the University has demonstrated its research ability in the liberal arts and sciences; in agriculture, life sciences and natural resources; in education and social services; in engineering, math and business administration; and in medicine, nursing and allied health sciences,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Madeleine M. Kunin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby direct that the University of Vermont be designated the lead research institution facilitating a consortium of other state-supported and independent colleges and universities to provide a comprehensive system of research and development services.
Dated December 8, 1987.
3 Appendix V.S.A. § 10-9