The inhabitants of the territory formerly the Town of Montpelier, and that portion of the Town of Berlin annexed to the City of Montpelier, by an act entitled, "An act to annex an adjacent portion of the Town of Berlin to the City of Montpelier," which act was approved November 29, 1898, are hereby incorporated as a municipal corporation under the name of the City of Montpelier (hereafter the City); and under that name may sue and be sued, prosecute and defend in any court; may have a common seal and alter it at pleasure; may borrow money on the credit of the City, in the mode and under the restrictions hereinafter provided; may elect representatives to the General Assembly of the State, and the number of justices of the peace as provided in Chapter II of the Vermont Constitution for a town of equal population; and generally shall have, exercise, and enjoy all such rights, immunities, powers, and privileges as are conferred upon, or are incident to, towns in this State; and shall be subject to like duties, liabilities, and obligations, except as otherwise provided in this charter.
24 Appendix V.S.A. § 5-101