The engines, hose, hooks and ladders, and buildings for storing and preserving the same, together with the water cisterns, fire pumps, hydrants, engine and hook and ladder companies, shall be under the particular charge, superintendence, and control of the Engineer, who shall at each annual meeting make report in writing of the condition of his or her said department. Provided, however, that the trustees of said Village shall have the special charge and direction of all repairs necessary to be made, and recommended by the Engineer, to any of the buildings, engines, hose, hooks and ladders, fire pumps, hydrants, and water cisterns, and no monies shall be appropriated or paid by said corporation for any of the purposes aforesaid unless said repairs shall have been made by and with the consent and direction of said trustees, or a majority of them. And in no case shall the engine and fire apparatus be taken from the Village limits for the purpose of attending fireman's parade.
24 Appendix V.S.A. § 235-31