Subchapter 13 - DRUNKEN DRIVING
- Section 1181, 1182 - [Repealed]
- Section 1183-1195 - [Repealed]
- Section 1200 - Definitions
- Section 1201 - Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substance; criminal refusal; enhanced penalty for BAC of 0.16 or more
- Section 1201c - Calculation of suspensions and revocations
- Section 1202 - Consent to taking of tests to determine blood alcohol content or presence of other drug
- Section 1203 - Administration of tests; retention of test and videotape
- Section 1203a - Independent chemical test; blood tests
- Section 1203b - Duty to report blood test results
- Section 1204 - Permissive inferences
- Section 1205 - Civil suspension; summary procedure
- Section 1206 - Suspension of license for driving while under influence; first conviction
- Section 1207 - [Repealed]
- Section 1208 - Suspensions for subsequent convictions
- Section 1209 - [Repealed]
- Section 1209a - Conditions of reinstatement; alcohol and driving education; screening; therapy programs
- Section 1210 - Penalties
- Section 1211 - Construction of cross references
- Section 1212 - Conditions of release and parole; arrest upon violation
- Section 1213 - Ignition interlock restricted driver's license or certificate; penalties
- Section 1213a - Immobilization of vehicle
- Section 1213b - Forfeiture of vehicle
- Section 1213c - Immobilization and forfeiture proceedings
- Section 1214 - [Repealed]
- Section 1215 - Injunctive relief
- Section 1216 - Persons under 21 years of age; alcohol concentration of 0.02 or more
- Section 1217 - Reserved for future use
- Section 1218 - Commercial motor vehicles; 0.04
- Section 1219 - Commercial motor vehicle; detectable amount; out-of-service
- Section 1220 - [Repealed]
- Section 1220a - DUI Enforcement Special Fund
- Section 1220b - Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing Special Fund