Utah Code § 81-2-204

Current through the 2024 Fourth Special Session
Section 81-2-204 - Master plan for counseling
(1) It shall be the function and duty of the premarital counseling board, after holding public hearings, to make, adopt, and certify to the county legislative body a master plan for premarital counseling of marriage license applicants within the purposes and objectives of this part.
(2) The master plan described in Subsection (1) shall include:
(a) counseling procedures that:
(i) will make applicants aware of problem areas in their proposed marriage;
(ii) suggest ways of meeting problems; and
(iii) will induce reconsideration or postponement when:
(A) the applicants are not sufficiently matured or are not financially capable of meeting the responsibilities of marriage; or
(B) are marrying for reasons not conducive to a sound lasting marriage; and
(b) standards for evaluating premarital counseling received by the applicants, prior to their application for a marriage license, which would justify issuance of certificate without further counseling being given or required.
(3) The premarital counseling board may, from time to time, amend or extend the plan described in Subsection (1).
(4) The premarital counseling board may, subject to Subsection (5):
(a) appoint a staff and employees as may be necessary for its work; and
(b) contract with social service agencies or other consultants within the county or counties for services it requires.
(5) Expenditures for the appointments and contracts described in Subsection (4) may not exceed the sums appropriated by the county legislative body plus sums placed at its disposal through gift or otherwise.

Utah Code § 81-2-204

Renumbered from § 30-1-32 and amended by Chapter 366, 2024 General Session ,§ 72, eff. 9/1/2024.
Amended by Chapter 297, 2011, 2011 General Session