Utah Code § 73-5-17

Current through the 2024 Third Special Session
Section 73-5-17 - River distribution accounting report
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Natural flow" means the computed amount of water available within a defined portion of a river system.
(b) "River system" means a portion of a natural stream and its tributaries where regulation and accounting are required.
(2) The state engineer may conduct a review of distribution and accounting procedures on a river system in the state.
(3) After conducting the review described in Subsection (2), the state engineer shall provide a report identifying:
(a) actively administered:
(i) water rights;
(ii) diversions; and
(iii) reservoirs;
(b) accounting practices, including:
(i) computation of natural flow;
(ii) apportionment of natural flow to individual water rights;
(iii) storage delivery and loss of storage;
(iv) accounting for imports and exports; and
(v) system losses including:
(A) conveyance losses; and
(B) reservoir losses;
(c) recommendations for:
(i) additional measurement and automation; and
(ii) refinement of distribution or accounting practices in accordance with:
(A) existing water rights;
(B) the prior appropriation doctrine; and
(C) relevant court decrees; and
(d) the data and computations relied upon to provide the information described in Subsections (3)(a) through (c).
(4) The state engineer shall make the report described in Subsection (3) available to the public on the Division of Water Rights website annually at least one week prior to the annual distribution system meeting.

Utah Code § 73-5-17

Added by Chapter 75, 2022 General Session ,§ 3, eff. 5/4/2022.