Current through the 2024 Fourth Special Session
Section 53-7-504 - Offenses - Civil penalties - Penalty money to be deposited into the Fire Prevention Support Account(1)(a) A person may not sell, offer for sale, or distribute a novelty lighter in this state.(b) A person may not import a novelty lighter into this state for the purpose of selling or distributing the novelty lighter within this state.(c) A person may not possess a novelty lighter in inventory for the purpose of selling or distributing the novelty lighter within this state.(2)(a) The state fire marshal may assess a civil penalty against a person who violates Subsection (1) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.(b) The civil penalty for a violation of Subsection (1) may not exceed: (i) $10,000 for the importation of novelty lighters;(ii) $1,000 if the person acts as a wholesaler of novelty lighters or distributes novelty lighters by means other than distribution directly to consumers; and(iii) $500 if the person is: (A) a retail seller of novelty lighters; or(B) a person distributing novelty lighters, other than as a manufacturer, importer, or wholesaler.(3) If a person continues to violate this section after the state fire marshal gives the person written notice of a violation, each day that the violation continues after written notice is given is a separate offense subject to a civil penalty.(4)(a) For purposes of imposing civil penalties, it is prima facie evidence that a lighter is a novelty lighter if the lighter is listed by the state fire marshal as a novelty lighter under Section 53-7-503, or is of a class or type of lighter listed by the state fire marshal as a novelty lighter.(b) Listing by the state fire marshal is not a requirement for a determination that a lighter is a novelty lighter.(5) All money collected from civil penalties under this section shall be deposited into the Fire Prevention Support Account created in Section 53-7-204.2.(6) A person may seek judicial review of a final agency action under this part as provided in Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.Amended by Chapter 403, 2020 General Session ,§ 3, eff. 5/12/2020.Enacted by Chapter 376, 2010 General Session.