Utah Code § 4-18-306

Current through the 2024 Third Special Session
Section 4-18-306 - Soil Health Advisory Committee
(1) The Soil Health Advisory Committee is created under the commission.
(2) The Soil Health Advisory Committee shall assist the commission in administering the program.
(3) The Soil Health Advisory Committee shall maintain no less than seven members appointed by the commissioner.
(4) Soil Health Advisory Committee members shall include farmers, ranchers, or other agricultural producers of diverse production systems, including diversity in size, product, irrigated and dryland systems, and other production methods. Members may include:
(a) an irrigated crop producer;
(b) a dryland crop producer;
(c) a dairyman or pasture producer;
(d) a rancher;
(e) a specialty crop or small farm producer;
(f) a crop consultant;
(g) a tribal representative;
(h) a representative with expertise in soil health;
(i) a committee member representative of the commission; or
(j) a Utah Association of Conservation Districts representative.
(5) At least two members of the Soil Health Advisory Committee shall be water users who own, lease, or represent owners of adjudicated water rights used for agricultural purposes.
(6) Representation on the Soil Health Advisory Committee shall reflect the different geographic areas and demographic diversity of the state, to the greatest extent possible.
(a) The commissioner shall appoint members of the Soil Health Advisory Committee for four year terms.
(b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (7)(a), the commissioner shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of Soil Health Advisory Committee members are staggered so that approximately half of the committee is appointed every two years.
(c) An appointee to the Soil Health Advisory Committee may not serve more than two full terms.
(8) A Soil Health Advisory Committee member shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which the member is appointed or until a successor has been duly appointed.
(9) The commissioner may remove a member of the Soil Health Advisory Committee for cause.
(10) The Soil Health Advisory Committee may invite a representative of the Utah Association of Conservation Districts, the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, Utah State University faculty member, the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights, and Division of Water Quality, to provide technical expertise to the Soil Health Advisory Committee on an as needed basis.
(11) The department will provide staff to manage the Soil Advisory Health Committee.
(12) The Soil Health Advisory Committee shall make recommendations to the commission concerning and assist in:
(a) setting program priorities;
(b) developing the development of guidelines for the implementation of the program, including guidelines and recommendations for the qualifications of nonprofit entities to receive grant money;
(c) soliciting input from similar stakeholders within each member's area of expertise and region of the state and communicate the Soil Health Advisory Committee's recommendations to the region and stakeholders represented by each member;
(d) soliciting input, in collaboration with the department, from underserved agricultural producers;
(e) soliciting input from producers that reflect the different geographic areas and demographic diversity of the state to the greatest extent possible;
(f) identifying key questions and areas of need to recommend for future research and demonstration efforts;
(g) reviewing soil health grant proposals, including proposed budgets, proposed grant outcomes, and the qualifications of any nonprofits applying for grants;
(h) creating a screening and ranking system for proposals and proposing funding recommendations to the commission;
(i) reviewing agreements for cooperation or collaboration entered into by the department pursuant to Subsection 4-18-305(1)(f) and making recommendations to the commission for approval;
(j) reviewing and recommending soil health practices to ensure they support soil health;
(k) evaluating the results and effectiveness of soil health activities and the program in improving soil health; and
(l) recommending to the commission, ways to enhance statewide efforts to support healthy soils throughout the state.
(13) The Soil Health Advisory Committee shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings shall be conducted as required by Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
(14) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(a) Section 63A-3-106;
(b) Section 63A-3-107; and
(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107.

Utah Code § 4-18-306

Amended by Chapter 528, 2023 General Session ,§ 17, eff. 5/3/2023.
Amended by Chapter 274, 2022 General Session ,§ 3, eff. 5/4/2022.
Added by Chapter 178, 2021 General Session ,§ 7, eff. 5/5/2021.

Affected by 63I-1-204 on 7/1/2026