You have received this notice because you reside or own property within an area proposed for incorporation, or an area within 300 feet of an area proposed for incorporation. The first public hearing in relation to the proposed incorporation will be held on [insert date, time, and location]. The purpose of the first public hearing is to provide information regarding the proposed incorporation, the incorporation process, including the process for deciding whether to incorporate, and certain rights you may have in relation to the proposed incorporation. A specified landowner, as defined in Utah Code Section 10-2a-204.5, may, within 30 days after the day of the public hearing, request that the county clerk exclude all or part of the specified landowner's land from the area proposed for incorporation. A specified landowner may not request exclusion after the end of the 30-day period. Any owner of land within a county where the area proposed for incorporation is located may, within 30 days after the day of the public hearing, request that the county clerk include all or part of that land in the area proposed for incorporation. An owner of land may not request inclusion after the end of the 30-day period."; and
Utah Code § 10-2a-204.3