Utah Code § 10-2-403
"Attention: Your property may be affected by a proposed annexation.
Records show that you own property within an area that is intended to be included in a proposed annexation to (state the name of the proposed annexing municipality) or that is within 300 feet of that area. If your property is within the area proposed for annexation, you may be asked to sign a petition supporting the annexation. You may choose whether to sign the petition. By signing the petition, you indicate your support of the proposed annexation. If you sign the petition but later change your mind about supporting the annexation, you may withdraw your signature by submitting a signed, written withdrawal with the recorder or clerk of (state the name of the proposed annexing municipality) within 30 days after (state the name of the proposed annexing municipality) receives notice that the petition has been certified.
There will be no public election on the proposed annexation because Utah law does not provide for an annexation to be approved by voters at a public election. Signing or not signing the annexation petition is the method under Utah law for the owners of property within the area proposed for annexation to demonstrate their support of or opposition to the proposed annexation.
You may obtain more information on the proposed annexation by contacting (state the name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the official or employee of the proposed annexing municipality designated to respond to questions about the proposed annexation), (state the name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the county official or employee designated to respond to questions about the proposed annexation), or (state the name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the person who filed the notice of intent under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A), or, if more than one person filed the notice of intent, one of those persons). Once filed, the annexation petition will be available for inspection and copying at the office of (state the name of the proposed annexing municipality) located at (state the address of the municipal offices of the proposed annexing municipality)."; and
" There will be no public election on the annexation proposed by this petition because Utah law does not provide for an annexation to be approved by voters at a public election.
" If you sign this petition and later decide that you do not support the petition, you may withdraw your signature by submitting a signed, written withdrawal with the recorder or clerk of (state the name of the proposed annexing municipality). If you choose to withdraw your signature, you shall do so no later than 30 days after (state the name of the proposed annexing municipality) receives notice that the petition has been certified.";
Utah Code § 10-2-403