Section 1354 - Limitation on use of appropriated funds for contracts with entities not meeting veterans' employment reporting requirements(a)(1) Subject to paragraph (2), no agency may obligate or expend funds appropriated for the agency for a fiscal year to enter into a contract described in section 4212(a) of title 38 with a contractor from which a report was required under section 4212(d) of that title with respect to the preceding fiscal year if such contractor did not submit such report.(2) Paragraph (1) shall cease to apply with respect to a contractor otherwise covered by that paragraph on the date on which the contractor submits the report required by such section 4212(d) for the fiscal year concerned.(b) The Secretary of Labor shall make available in a database a list of the contractors that have complied with the provisions of such section 4212(d).Added Pub. L. 105-339, §7(b)(1), Oct. 31, 1998, 112 Stat. 3189.