Fed. R. App. P. 3

Current through P.L. 118-66 (published on www.congress.gov on 07/02/2024)
Form 3 - Petition for Review of Order of an Agency, Board, Commission or Officer

United States Court of Appeals

for the ________ Circuit

A.B., Petitioner


XYZ Commission,

}Petition for Review


______(here name all parties bringing the petition) *______ hereby petition the court for review of the Order of the XYZ Commission (describe the order) entered on __________, 20__.


Attorney for Petitioners


* See Rule 15.

28 APPENDIX U.S.C. § 3

As amended Apr. 22, 1993, eff. Dec. 1, 1993; Mar. 27, 2003, eff. Dec. 1, 2003.