20 U.S.C. § 1067e-1
The Secretary is authorized to enter into a contract with a firm with a demonstrated record of success in advertising to implement a campaign to expand the population of qualified individuals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields (referred to in this section as "STEM fields") by encouraging young Americans to enter such fields.
The campaign under this section shall be designed to enhance the image of education and professions in the STEM fields and promote participation in the STEM fields, and may include-
The campaign under this section shall-
The campaign under this section shall hold as a high priority making specific appeals to Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Native Americans, students with disabilities, and women, who are currently underrepresented in the STEM fields, in order to increase their numbers in the STEM fields, and shall tailor recruitment efforts to each specific group.
The campaign under this section shall make use of a variety of media, with an emphasis on television advertising, to reach its intended audience.
The campaign under this section shall include a narrowly focused effort to attract current professionals in the STEM fields, through advertising in mediums likely to reach that specific group, into teaching in a STEM field in elementary schools and secondary schools.
20 U.S.C. § 1067e-1
PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 356 of Pub. L. 89-329 was renumbered section 395 and is classified to section 1068d of this title.