16 U.S.C. § 6411

Current through P.L. 118-64 (published on www.congress.gov on 05/24/2024), except for [P. L. 118-63]
Section 6411 - Coral reef research
(a) Reef research coordination institutes
(1) Establishment

The Administrator shall designate 2 reef research coordination institutes for the purpose of advancing and sustaining essential capabilities in coral reef research, one each in the Atlantic and Pacific basins, to be known as the "Atlantic Reef Research Coordination Institute" and the "Pacific Reef Research Coordination Institute", respectively.

(2) Membership

Each institute designated under paragraph (1) shall be housed within a single coral reef research center designated by the Administrator under subsection (b).

(3) Functions

The institutes designated under paragraph (1) shall-

(A) conduct federally directed research to fill national and regional coral reef ecosystem research gaps and improve understanding of, and responses to, continuing and emerging threats to the resilience of United States coral reef ecosystems consistent with the National Coral Reef Resilience Strategy;
(B) support ecological research and monitoring to study the effects of conservation and restoration activities funded by this chapter on promoting more effective coral reef management and restoration; and
(C) through agreements-
(i) collaborate directly with States, covered Native entities, covered coral reef managers, nonprofit organizations, and other coral reef research centers designated under subsection (b);
(ii) assist in the development and implementation of-
(I) the National Coral Reef Resilience Strategy; and
(II) coral reef action plans under section 6404 of this title;
(iii) build capacity within non-Federal governmental resource management agencies to establish research priorities and translate and apply research findings to management and restoration practices; and
(iv) conduct public education and awareness programs for policymakers, resource managers, and the general public on-
(I) coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems;
(II) best practices for coral reef ecosystem management and restoration;
(III) the value of coral reefs; and
(IV) the threats to the sustainability of coral reef ecosystems.
(b) Coral reef research centers
(1) In general

The Administrator shall-

(A) periodically solicit applications for designation of qualifying institutions in covered States as coral reef research centers; and
(B) designate all qualifying institutions in covered States as coral reef research centers.
(2) Qualifying institutions

For purposes of paragraph (1), an institution is a qualifying institution if the Administrator determines that the institution-

(A) is operated by an institution of higher education or nonprofit marine research organization;
(B) has established management-driven national or regional coral reef research or restoration programs;
(C) has demonstrated abilities to coordinate closely with appropriate Federal and State agencies, and other academic and nonprofit organizations; and
(D) maintains significant local community engagement and outreach programs related to coral reef ecosystems.

16 U.S.C. § 6411

Pub. L. 106-562, title II, §212, as added Pub. L. 117-263 title C, §10001(a), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3945.
The term "Administrator" means the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
National Coral Reef Resilience Strategy
The term "National Coral Reef Resilience Strategy" means the National Coral Reef Resilience Strategy in effect under section 6403 of this title.
The term "State" means-(A) any State of the United States that contains a coral reef ecosystem within its seaward boundaries;(B) American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the United States Virgin Islands; or(C) any other territory or possession of the United States or separate sovereign in free association with the United States that contains a coral reef ecosystem within its seaward boundaries.
The term "conservation" means the use of methods and procedures necessary to preserve or sustain native corals and associated species as diverse, viable, and self-perpetuating coral reef ecosystems with minimal impacts from invasive species, including-(A) all activities associated with resource management, such as monitoring, assessment, protection, restoration, sustainable use, management of habitat, and maintenance or augmentation of genetic diversity;(B) mapping;(C) scientific expertise and technical assistance in the development and implementation of management strategies for marine protected areas and marine resources required by Federal law;(D) law enforcement;(E) conflict resolution initiatives;(F) community outreach and education; and(G) promotion of safe and ecologically sound navigation and anchoring.
coral reef ecosystem
The term "coral reef ecosystem" means-(A) corals and other geographically and ecologically associated marine communities of other reef organisms (including reef plants and animals) associated with coral reef habitat; and(B) the biotic and abiotic factors and processes that control or significantly affect coral calcification rates, tissue growth, reproduction, recruitment, abundance, coral-algal symbiosis, and biodiversity in such habitat.
coral reef
The term "coral reef" means calcium carbonate structures in the form of a reef or shoal, composed in whole or in part by living coral, skeletal remains of coral, crustose coralline algae, and other associated sessile marine plants and animals.
The term "coral" means species of the phylum Cnidaria, including-(A) all species of the orders Antipatharia (black corals), Scleractinia (stony corals), Alcyonacea (soft corals, organ pipe corals, gorgonians), and Helioporacea (blue coral), of the class Anthozoa; and(B) all species of the order Anthoathecata (fire corals and other hydrocorals) of the class Hydrozoa.
The term "resilience" means the capacity for corals within their native range, coral reefs, or coral reef ecosystems to resist and recover from natural and human disturbances, and maintain structure and function to provide coral reef ecosystem services, as determined by clearly identifiable, measurable, and science-based standards.
The term "restoration" means the use of methods and procedures necessary to enhance, rehabilitate, recreate, or create a functioning coral reef or coral reef ecosystem, in whole or in part, within suitable waters of the historical geographic range of such ecosystems, to provide ecological, economic, cultural, or coastal resiliency services associated with healthy coral reefs and benefit native populations of coral reef organisms.