16 U.S.C. § 5102
In this chapter, the following definitions apply:
Such term does not include any scientific research activity or the catching, taking, or harvesting of fish in an aquaculture operation.
16 U.S.C. § 5102
REFERENCES IN TEXT Public Law 77-539 referred to in par. (3), is act May 4, 1942, ch. 283, 56 Stat. 267, which is not classified to the Code. Public Law 81-721 referred to in par. (3), is act Aug. 19, 1950, ch. 763, 64 Stat. 467, which is not classified to the Code.Proclamation Number 5030, referred to in par. (6), is set out as a note under section 1453 of this title.
AMENDMENTS2000-Par. (5). Pub. L. 106-555 made technical amendment to reference in original act which appears in text as reference to section 1852 of this title. 1996-Par. (1). Pub. L. 104-297 inserted "and" after semicolon in subpar. (A), substituted "States." for "States; and" in subpar. (B), and struck out subpar. (C) which read as follows: "recommends actions to be taken by the Secretary in the exclusive economic zone to conserve and manage the fishery."
TERRITORIAL SEA OF UNITED STATES For extension of territorial sea of United States, see Proc. No. 5928, set out as a note under section 1331 of Title 43, Public Lands.