Subchapter I - GENERALLY
- Section 701 - Omitted
- Section 702 to 702f - Repealed
- Section 703 to 712 - Omitted
- Section 712a - Limitation of obligations for administrative expenses of certain agencies; limitation on life of certain agencies
- Section 713 - Omitted
- Section 713a - Repealed
- Section 713a-1, 713a-2 - Repealed
- Section 713a-3 - Omitted
- Section 713a-4 - Obligations of Commodity Credit Corporation; issuance; sale; purchase; redemption; etc
- Section 713a-5 - Exemption of Commodity Credit Corporation and its obligations from taxation
- Section 713a-6 - Sale of surplus agricultural commodities to foreign governments
- Section 713a-7 - Exchange of surplus agricultural commodities for reserve stocks of strategic materials
- Section 713a-8 - Omitted
- Section 713a-9 - Reimbursement of corporation from funds of Government agencies for services, losses, operating costs, or commodities purchased
- Section 713a-10 - Omitted
- Section 713a-11 - Annual appropriations to reimburse Commodity Credit Corporation for net realized loss
- Section 713a-11a - Interest prohibited when reimbursing Corporation for net realized losses
- Section 713a-12 - Deposit of net realized gain of Commodity Credit Corporation in Treasury
- Section 713a-13 - Policies and procedures for minimum acquisition of stocks by Commodity Credit Corporation, encouragement of marketing through private trade channels and procurement of maximum returns in marketplace for producers and Corporation
- Section 713a-14 - Repealed
- Section 713b - Repealed
- Section 713c - Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation; continuance of existence; purchase and distribution of surplus agricultural commodities
- Section 713c-1 - Annual report to Congress by Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation
- Section 713c-2 - Purchase and distribution of surplus fishery products
- Section 713c-3 - Promotion of the free flow of domestically produced fishery products
- Section 713d - Declaration of purpose
- Section 713d-1 - Critical shortages; recommendations by President; public hearings
- Section 713d-2 - Food and conservation program; appropriations; administrative expenses
- Section 713d-3 - Authorizations for appropriations