15 U.S.C. § 26b
Subject to subsections (b) through (d), the conduct, acts, practices, or agreements of persons in the business of organized professional major league baseball directly relating to or affecting employment of major league baseball players to play baseball at the major league level are subject to the antitrust laws to the same extent such conduct, acts, practices, or agreements would be subject to the antitrust laws if engaged in by persons in any other professional sports business affecting interstate commerce.
No court shall rely on the enactment of this section as a basis for changing the application of the antitrust laws to any conduct, acts, practices, or agreements other than those set forth in subsection (a). This section does not create, permit or imply a cause of action by which to challenge under the antitrust laws, or otherwise apply the antitrust laws to, any conduct, acts, practices, or agreements that do not directly relate to or affect employment of major league baseball players to play baseball at the major league level, including but not limited to-
Only a major league baseball player has standing to sue under this section. For the purposes of this section, a major league baseball player is-
15 U.S.C. § 26b
REFERENCES IN TEXTThe antitrust laws, referred to in text, are defined in section 12 of this title. Public Law 87-331 referred to in subsec. (b)(4), is Pub. L. 87-331, Sept. 30, 1961, 75 Stat. 732, which is classified generally to chapter 32 (§1291 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
CODIFICATION Another section 27 of act Oct. 15, 1914, ch. 323, was renumbered section 28 and is classified to section 27 of this title.
PURPOSE Pub. L. 105-297, §2, Oct. 27, 1998, 112 Stat. 2824, provided that: "It is the purpose of this legislation to state that major league baseball players are covered under the antitrust laws (i.e., that major league baseball players will have the same rights under the antitrust laws as do other professional athletes, e.g., football and basketball players), along with a provision that makes it clear that the passage of this Act [enacting this section and provisions set out as a note under section 1 of this title] does not change the application of the antitrust laws in any other context or with respect to any other person or entity."