Any steam railroad company or any electric interurban railroad company or any person or persons operating the same, or any receiver or receivers, or lessee or lessees thereof, shall be permitted to transport between points wholly within this State at the reduced rate of one cent per mile, while traveling on official business connected with their respective offices, the following named peace officers, to-wit: the Adjutant General; State Rangers; the sheriff of any county, his deputies to be designated by him; constables; chiefs of police and assistant chiefs and captains; city marshals, chief of the detectives of any county or city, and assistant detectives. Any such peace officer who shall procure transportation over any such railroad between points in this State under the provisions of this article and shall use the same for any other than official business connected with the duties of his office, or any person not entitled to the benefits of this law who shall falsely represent himself as entitled to such privileges and shall purchase or offer to purchase transportation over any such railroad company at the rate provided for herein, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in jail not exceeding six months, or both.
Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 4015d