Section 8878.151 - Revenue Bonds and Notes(a) The authority may issue bonds or notes payable solely from revenue from any source, including:(1) tolls, charges, rates, fees, and user fees the authority imposes or collects;(2) the sale of water, water services, water rights or capacity, water transmission rights or services, water pumping, or any other service or product of the authority provided inside or outside the boundaries of the authority;(4) the ownership or operation of all or a designated part of the authority's works, improvements, facilities, plants, or equipment; and(5) contracts between the authority and any person.(b) Notes issued by the authority may be first or subordinate lien notes at the board's discretion.(c) In connection with any bonds or notes of the authority, the authority may exercise any power of an issuer under Chapter 1371, Government Code.(d) The authority may conduct a public, private, or negotiated sale of the bonds or notes.(e) The authority may enter into one or more indentures of trust to further secure its bonds or notes.(f) The authority may issue bonds or notes in more than one series as necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. In issuing bonds or notes secured by revenue of the authority, the authority may reserve the right to issue additional bonds or notes secured by the authority's revenue that are on a parity with or are senior or subordinate to the bonds or notes issued earlier.(g) A resolution of the board authorizing the bonds or notes or a trust indenture securing the bonds or notes may specify additional provisions that constitute a contract between the authority and its bondholders or noteholders.(h) Bonds and notes may be additionally secured by deed of trust or mortgage on any or all of the authority's facilities.(i) The authority may issue refunding bonds or notes to refund any of its bonds or notes in any manner provided by law.(j) Sections 49.153, 49.154, and 49.181, Water Code, do not apply to bonds or notes issued by the authority. Commission rules regarding bonds or notes do not apply to bonds or notes issued by the authority.Tex. Spec. Dist. Loc. Laws § 8878.151
Added by Acts 2013, 83rd Leg. - Regular Session, ch. 829,Sec. 1, eff. 6/14/2013.