All islands and lands owned by the State of Texas, many of which are subject to overflow, known as Barnes Island, Alexander Island, Goat Island, Diamond Island and Hog Island in San Jacinto River above Lynchburg, and certain accretions formed by dredged material excavated from the channel and forming land attached to or near said Alexander Island, Hog Island between Goose Creek and Morgan Point, Atkinson Island, and all the submerged lands lying and being situated under the waters of Buffalo Bayou, San Jacinto River, White Oak Bayou, Bray's Bayou, Simms Bayou, Vinces Bayou, Hunting Bayou, Greens Bayou, Carpenters Bayou, Old River, Lost River, Goose Creek and Cedar Bayou, and all other streams within the authority tributary to the Houston Ship Channel, so far up said streams as the State may own same, together with all lands lying and being situated under the waters of Old River, Burnett's Bay, Crystal Lake, Scott's Bay, Peggy's Lake, Black Duck Bay, Tabbs Bay and San Jacinto Bay, and all other tidal flats or overflow land adjacent to or appurtenant to the above mentioned streams within the limits above mentioned except Mitchell's Bay and any area between said bay and the Houston Ship Channel, as now or hereafter located, is hereby granted to the authority, or its successors, for public purposes and for the development of commerce only, in accordance with the following provisions and stipulations herein contained; provided that inasmuch as it is the purpose of this section to grant said lands to the public agency which is developing the Port of Houston, upon the creation by legislation of other public agency which shall supersede the authority as the public agency developing the Port of Houston, the title to said lands shall be transferred from the authority to such public agency, either municipal or State, so provided, such public agency being referred to herein as the successors of the authority.
Tex. Spec. Dist. Loc. Laws § 5007.004