Current with legislation from the 2023 Regular and Special Sessions signed by the Governor as of November 21, 2023.
Section 157.0512 - Prescriptive Authority Agreement(a) A physician may delegate to an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant, acting under adequate physician supervision, the act of prescribing or ordering a drug or device as authorized through a prescriptive authority agreement between the physician and the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant, as applicable.(b) A physician and an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant are eligible to enter into or be parties to a prescriptive authority agreement only if: (1) if applicable, the Texas Board of Nursing has approved the advanced practice registered nurse's authority to prescribe or order a drug or device as authorized under this subchapter;(2) the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant: (A) holds an active license to practice in this state as an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant, as applicable, and is in good standing in this state; and(B) is not currently prohibited by the Texas Board of Nursing or the Texas Physician Assistant Board, as applicable, from executing a prescriptive authority agreement; and(3) before executing the prescriptive authority agreement, the physician and the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant disclose to the other prospective party to the agreement any prior disciplinary action by the board, the Texas Board of Nursing, or the Texas Physician Assistant Board, as applicable.(c) Except as provided by Subsection (d), the combined number of advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants with whom a physician may enter into a prescriptive authority agreement may not exceed seven advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants or the full-time equivalent of seven advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants.(d) Subsection (c) does not apply to a prescriptive authority agreement if the prescriptive authority is being exercised in: (1) a practice serving a medically underserved population; or(2) a facility-based practice in a hospital under Section 157.054.(e) A prescriptive authority agreement must, at a minimum:(1) be in writing and signed and dated by the parties to the agreement;(2) state the name, address, and all professional license numbers of the parties to the agreement;(3) state the nature of the practice, practice locations, or practice settings;(4) identify the types or categories of drugs or devices that may be prescribed or the types or categories of drugs or devices that may not be prescribed;(5) provide a general plan for addressing consultation and referral;(6) provide a plan for addressing patient emergencies;(7) state the general process for communication and the sharing of information between the physician and the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant to whom the physician has delegated prescriptive authority related to the care and treatment of patients;(8) if alternate physician supervision is to be utilized, designate one or more alternate physicians who may:(A) provide appropriate supervision on a temporary basis in accordance with the requirements established by the prescriptive authority agreement and the requirements of this subchapter; and(B) participate in the prescriptive authority quality assurance and improvement plan meetings required under this section; and(9) describe a prescriptive authority quality assurance and improvement plan and specify methods for documenting the implementation of the plan that include the following: (A) chart review, with the number of charts to be reviewed determined by the physician and advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant; and(B) periodic meetings between the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant and the physician.(f) The periodic meetings described by Subsection (e)(9)(B) must: (1) include: (A) the sharing of information relating to patient treatment and care, needed changes in patient care plans, and issues relating to referrals; and(B) discussion of patient care improvement;(3) take place at least once a month in a manner determined by the physician and the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant.(f-1) Repealed by Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. 38 (H.B. 278), Sec. 2, eff. September 1, 2019.(g) The prescriptive authority agreement may include other provisions agreed to by the physician and advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant.(h) If the parties to the prescriptive authority agreement practice in a physician group practice, the physician may appoint one or more alternate supervising physicians designated under Subsection (e)(8), if any, to conduct and document the quality assurance meetings in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter.(i) The prescriptive authority agreement need not describe the exact steps that an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant must take with respect to each specific condition, disease, or symptom.(j) A physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant who is a party to a prescriptive authority agreement must retain a copy of the agreement until the second anniversary of the date the agreement is terminated.(k) A party to a prescriptive authority agreement may not by contract waive, void, or nullify any provision of this section or Section 157.0513.(l) In the event that a party to a prescriptive authority agreement is notified that the individual has become the subject of an investigation by the board, the Texas Board of Nursing, or the Texas Physician Assistant Board, the individual shall immediately notify the other party to the prescriptive authority agreement.(m) The prescriptive authority agreement and any amendments must be reviewed at least annually, dated, and signed by the parties to the agreement. The prescriptive authority agreement and any amendments must be made available to the board, the Texas Board of Nursing, or the Texas Physician Assistant Board not later than the third business day after the date of receipt of request, if any.(n) The prescriptive authority agreement should promote the exercise of professional judgment by the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant commensurate with the advanced practice registered nurse's or physician assistant's education and experience and the relationship between the advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant and the physician.(o) This section shall be liberally construed to allow the use of prescriptive authority agreements to safely and effectively utilize the skills and services of advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants.(p) The board may not adopt rules pertaining to the elements of a prescriptive authority agreement that would impose requirements in addition to the requirements under this section. The board may adopt other rules relating to physician delegation under this chapter.Tex. Occ. Code § 157.0512
Amended by Acts 2019, Texas Acts of the 86th Leg.- Regular Session, ch. 38,Sec. 2, eff. 9/1/2019.Amended by Acts 2019, Texas Acts of the 86th Leg.- Regular Session, ch. 38,Sec. 1, eff. 9/1/2019.Amended by Acts 2017, Texas Acts of the 85th Leg. - Regular Session, ch. 928,Sec. 1, eff. 9/1/2017.Added by Acts 2013, 83rd Leg. - Regular Session, ch. 418,Sec. 4, eff. 11/1/2013.