Section 43.076 - Abolition of Water-Related Special District That Becomes Part of More Than One Municipality(a) This section applies to a municipality that contains, as a result of the annexation by or the incorporation of the municipality, any part of the area in a water control and improvement district, fresh water supply district, or municipal utility district organized for the primary purpose of providing municipal functions such as the supplying of fresh water for domestic or commercial uses or the furnishing of sanitary sewer service, if:(1) the balance of the area in the district is located in one or more other municipalities;(2) the district is not created by a special act of the legislature and the balance of the area is located in one or more other municipalities and in an unincorporated area; or(3) the district is a conservation and reclamation district of more than 10,000 acres which provides water and sanitary sewer service to households and parts of which are located in two or more municipalities, one of which has a population of more than 1.6 million.(b) The municipality succeeds to the powers, duties, assets, and obligations of the district as provided by this section. This section does not prohibit the municipality from continuing to operate utility facilities in the district that are owned and operated by the municipality on the date the part of the district area becomes a part of the municipality.(c) If the district is located wholly in two or more municipalities, the district may be abolished by agreement among the district and the municipalities in which the district is located. Subject to Subsection (f), the agreement must provide for the distribution among the municipalities of the property and other assets of the district and for the pro rata assumption by the municipalities of all the debts, liabilities, and obligations of the district. The assumption by each municipality must be based on the ratio that the value of the property and other assets distributed to that municipality bears to the total value of all the property and other assets of the district. The determination of value may be made on an original cost basis, a reproduction cost basis, a fair market value basis, or by any other valuation method agreed on by the parties that reasonably reflects the value of the property and other assets, debts, liabilities, and obligations of the district. The agreement must specify the date on which the district is abolished.(d) If the district is located wholly in two or more municipalities and in unincorporated area, the district may be abolished by agreement among the district and all of the municipalities in which parts of the district are located. The abolition agreement must provide for the distribution of assets and liabilities as provided by Subsection (c). The agreement must also provide for the distribution among one or more of the municipalities of the pro rata assets and liabilities located in the unincorporated area and must provide for service to customers in unincorporated areas in the service area of the abolished district. The municipality that provides the service in the unincorporated area may charge its usual and customary fees and assessments to the customers in that area.(e) An agreement made under Subsection (c) or (d) must be approved by an ordinance adopted by the governing body of each municipality and by an order or resolution adopted by the governing board of the district before the date specified in the agreement for the abolition, distribution, and assumption.(f) If the abolished district has outstanding bonds, warrants, or other obligations payable in whole or in part from the net revenue from the operation of the district utility system or property, the affected municipalities shall take over and operate the system or property through a board of trustees as provided by this section. The municipalities shall apply the net revenue from the operation of the system or property to the payment of outstanding revenue bonds, warrants, or other obligations as if the district had not been abolished. The system or property shall be operated in that manner until all the revenue bonds, warrants, or obligations are retired in full by payment or by the refunding of the bonds, warrants, or other obligations into municipal obligations. The board of trustees must be composed of not more than five members appointed by the governing bodies of the municipalities. The trustees are appointed for the terms and shall perform the duties as provided by the agreement made under Subsection (c) or (d). The board also shall perform the duties and other functions that are imposed by law or by contract on the abolished district and its governing board and that relate to the outstanding revenue bonds. The board shall charge and collect sufficient rates for the services of the system or property and shall apply the revenue to comply with each covenant or agreement contained in the proceedings relating to the revenue bonds, warrants, or other obligations with respect to the payment of principal and interest and the maintenance of reserves and other funds. When all the revenue bonds, warrants, and other obligations are retired in full, the property and other assets of the district shall be distributed among the municipalities as provided by Subsection (c) or (d). On the distribution, the board is abolished.(g) When the pro rata share of any district bonds, warrants, or other obligations payable in whole or in part from property taxes has been assumed by the municipality, the governing body of the municipality shall levy and collect taxes on all taxable property in the municipality to pay the principal of and interest on its share as the principal and interest become due and payable.(h) The municipality may issue general obligation refunding bonds in its own name to refund in whole or in part its pro rata share of any outstanding district bonds, warrants, or other obligations, including unpaid earned interest on them, that are assumed by the municipality and that are payable in whole or in part from property taxes. The refunding bonds must be issued in the manner provided by Chapter 1207, Government Code. Refunding bonds must bear interest at the same rate or at a lower rate than that borne by the refunded obligations unless it is shown mathematically that a different rate results in a savings in the total amount of interest to be paid.(i) The municipality may issue revenue refunding bonds or general obligation refunding bonds in its own name to refund in whole or in part its pro rata share of any outstanding district bonds, warrants, or other obligations, including unpaid earned interest on them, that are assumed by the municipality and that are payable solely from net revenues. The municipality may combine the different issues or the bonds of different issues of both district and municipal revenue bonds, warrants, or other obligations into one or more series of revenue refunding bonds. The municipality may pledge the net revenues of the district utility system or property to the payment of those bonds, warrants, or other obligations. The municipality may also combine the different issues or the bonds of the different issues into one or more series of general obligation refunding bonds. An originally issued municipal revenue bond may not be refunded into municipal general obligation refunding bonds. Except as otherwise provided by this section, Subchapter B, Chapter 1502, Government Code, applies to the revenue refunding bonds, but an election for the issuance of the bonds is not required. Revenue refunding bonds or general obligation refunding bonds must be issued in the manner provided by Chapter 1207, Government Code. The revenue refunding bonds and the general obligation refunding bonds must bear interest at the same rate or at a lower rate than that borne by the refunded obligations unless it is shown mathematically that a different rate results in a savings in the total amount of interest to be paid.Tex. Loc. Gov't. Code § 43.076
Amended By Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 1064, Sec. 37, eff. 9/1/1999.Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1339, Sec. 1, eff. 9/1/1997 Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 1, eff. 9/1/1987.