- Section 71-5-1401 - Short title
- Section 71-5-1402 - Objectives of long-term care system
- Section 71-5-1403 - Part definitions
- Section 71-5-1404 - Development and implementation of a statewide fully integrated risk-based long-term care system
- Section 71-5-1405 - Single entry point into the long-term care system
- Section 71-5-1406 - Implementation of policies and processes by commissioner
- Section 71-5-1407 - Level of care and continued stay criteria - Preadmission evaluation (PAE) assessment tool
- Section 71-5-1408 - Strategies to encourage utilization of cost-effective home and community-based services - Requirements related to nursing facility diversion
- Section 71-5-1409 - Nursing facility transition initiative
- Section 71-5-1410 - Strategies to assist nursing facilities in diversifying their lines of business
- Section 71-5-1411 - Plan to expand cost-effective community-based residential alternatives to institutional care
- Section 71-5-1412 - Transition period following implementation of managed long-term care service delivery system
- Section 71-5-1413 - Acuity-based reimbursement methodology for nursing facility services
- Section 71-5-1414 - Self-directed health care
- Section 71-5-1415 - Quality assurance and quality improvement strategies
- Section 71-5-1416 - Funding to increase access to home and community-based services in the state-funded options program
- Section 71-5-1417 - Funding for medicaid long-term care services
- Section 71-5-1418 - Long-term care client information, referral and assistance agency
- Section 71-5-1419 - Operational plan and budget for home-based and community-based services to elderly and disabled individuals
- Section 71-5-1420 - Veterans education benefits
- Section 71-5-1421 - Prompt payment of claims and liability for bad faith failure to pay claims promptly
- Section 71-5-1422 - Pilot project for disabled individuals and family members to self-direct supports and services
- Section 71-5-1423 - Hearing on resident's appeal of involuntary discharge from facility - Timeframe for hearing and final order
- Section 71-5-1424 - Hearing on appeal of TennCare's initial determination of ineligibility for nursing facility services - Motion to intervene by facility
- Section 71-5-1425 - Guidance regarding whether temporary family healthcare structures are covered - Federal approval of waiver amendment to offer benefit - Applicability of waiver