Section 43-6-423 - Assessments - Authorizing referendum - Disposition of funds(a) Upon the request of the certified cotton growers' organization, the commissioner shall authorize a referendum among cotton growers upon the question of whether an assessment shall be levied upon cotton growers in the state to offset, in whole or in part, the cost of boll weevil or other cotton pest suppression or eradication programs authorized by this part or by any other law of this state.(b) The assessment levied under this part shall be based upon the number of acres of cotton planted. The amount of the assessment, the period of time for which it is levied, and the geographical area to be covered by the assessment shall be determined by the commissioner, upon recommendation by the board of directors of the cotton growers' organization.(c) All affected cotton growers shall be entitled to vote in any such referendum, and the commissioner shall determine any questions of eligibility to vote.(d) Passage of such referendum shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those eligible cotton growers voting.(e) The assessments collected by the department under this part, less such amounts as may be authorized in the general appropriations act for administration of this part, shall be promptly remitted to the certified cotton growers' organization under such terms and conditions as the commissioner may deem necessary to ensure that such assessments are used in a sound program of eradication or suppression of the boll weevil or other cotton pests.(f) There is created within the state treasury a fund known as the "certified cotton growers' organization fund." All funds received, appropriated or otherwise coming under this part shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the certified cotton growers' organization. The commissioner shall administer the fund and make payments from the fund in the same manner as other state agencies for the administration and implementation of the purposes of this part. Amounts in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain available to the organization for the purposes as set forth in this part. Should the eradication program be discontinued or certification of the cotton growers' organization be revoked by the commissioner, any funds remaining in its hands at that time may be paid out by the commissioner for existing obligations and for closing the affairs of the certified cotton growers' organization. Any funds remaining over and above those required for completing the business of the cotton growers' organization shall be paid by the commissioner to the contributing growers on a pro rata basis.(g) The commissioner, with the approval of the board of directors of the certified cotton growers' organization, may grant waivers of timely payments of assessments, when a grower can show that assessments will cause an undue financial burden or bankruptcy. Such waivers shall not exceed six (6) months in length, and shall be subject to an equitable rate of interest.(h) Records maintained by the commissioner on behalf of the certified cotton growers' organization shall be audited at least annually by the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designated representative.Acts 1989, ch. 350, § 13.