Section 20-9-601 - Short title - Legislative findings and declarations(a) This part shall be known and may be cited as the "Tennessee Court Reporter Act of 2009."(b) The general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of the state to promote the skill, art and practice of court reporting in order to assure that court reporters possess the necessary skills and qualifications and that a board be established to prescribe the qualifications of court reporters and to issue licenses to persons who demonstrate their ability and fitness for the licenses. This part is intended to establish and maintain a standard of competency for individuals engaged in the practice of court reporting and for the protection of the public, in general, and for the litigants whose rights to personal freedom and property are affected by the competency of court reporters. The examination, licensing and supervision of the conduct and proficiency of court reporters are integrally related to the effective, impartial and prompt operation of the judicial system of the state.