The division is authorized to provide technical forestry information, advice, and related assistance to landowners, managers, forest operators, wood processors, agencies, organizations, and individuals. Such assistance and services may include:
(1) Inspection and examination of forest lands and forest products processing operations;(2) Management planning and advice and recommendations concerning reforestation, silvicultural practices, timber sale preparation, and other activities that improve the forest resource;(3) Advice and consultation regarding: (A) Harvesting, processing, and marketing of wood and wood products; and(B) Management of trees and forests within urban areas;(4) Protection of forest soil and the quality and quantity of water;(5) Protection of the forest resource from insects, disease, and other pests;(6) Enhancement of wildlife habitat and forest recreation opportunities;(7) Authority to provide forestry vendor services at approximate cost;(8) Preparation and distribution of educational materials; and(9) Management of trees in urban areas.Acts 1986, ch. 652, § 35.