"Shall ____________________ County, Tennessee, issue its bonds in the amount of ______________ for the purpose of ____________________ ?"
The expenses incurred in connection with the conduct of such election shall be paid by the board from the county conservation fund. If the vote in favor of issuing the bonds is equal to at least sixty percent (60%) of the total votes cast for and against the proposition, the county legislative body shall issue the bonds in the amount voted, and shall provide for the levy of an annual tax, within the limits of the special tax hereinbefore authorized, sufficient to pay the bonds and the interest thereon as the same respectively become due. The bonds shall mature in not more than twenty (20) years, shall bear interest at such rate or rates and shall be in such form as the county legislative body shall by resolution provide, and shall be payable as to both principal and interest from the proceeds of the annual tax levy hereinbefore authorized to be levied for recreation and conservation purposes, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the principal thereof and interest thereon, and prior to the authorization and issuance of such bonds, the county legislative body may, with or without notice, negotiate and enter into an agreement or agreements with any bank, investment banker, trust company or insurance company or group thereof whereunder the marketing of such bonds may be assured and consummated. The proceeds of such bonds shall be deposited in a special fund, to be kept separate and apart from all other funds of the county, and shall be paid out upon warrants drawn by the county mayor or other fiscal officer of the county, upon requisition of the board to pay the cost of acquiring land and developing the same for recreation and conservation purposes as specified in the election proposition.
T.C.A. § 11-21-106