Each insurer required to file an annual audited financial report shall, within sixty days after becoming subject to the requirement, register with the director in writing the name and address of the independent certified public accountant or accounting firm retained to conduct the annual audit set forth in this chapter. Any insurer not retaining an independent certified public accountant on July 1, 2009, shall register the name and address of the insurer's retained independent certified public accountant not less than six months before the date when the first audited financial report is to be filed.
The insurer shall obtain a letter from the accountant, and file a copy with the director, stating that the accountant is aware of the laws of the state of domicile that relate to accounting and financial matters and affirming that the accountant will express his or her opinion on the financial statements in terms of their conformity to the statutory accounting practices prescribed or permitted and specify any exceptions.
SDCL 58-43-6