If any consumer wishes to allow the consumer's credit report to be accessed for a specific period of time while a freeze is in place, the consumer shall contact the consumer reporting agency at a point of contact designated by the agency to receive such requests, request that the freeze be temporarily lifted, and provide the following:
(1) Proper identification, which means that information generally deemed sufficient to identify a consumer. Only if the consumer is unable to sufficiently identify himself or herself, may a consumer reporting agency require additional information concerning the consumer's employment and personal or family history in order to verify the consumer's identity;(2) The unique personal identification number or password provided by the credit reporting agency pursuant to § 54-15-5; and(3) The proper information regarding the time period for which the report is available to users of the credit report.Any consumer reporting agency that receives a request to temporarily lift a freeze on a credit report pursuant to this section shall comply with the request no later than three business days after receiving the request.