Chapter 15 - DRONES
- Section 50-15-1 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-15-2 - Operation of drone-Compliance with federal law-Exemption
- Section 50-15-3 - Authorization required to operate drone over certain facilities-Violation as misdemeanor
- Section 50-15-4 - Prohibited delivery of contraband or controlled substance-Felony
- Section 50-15-5 - Eavesdropping-Violation of privacy-Misdemeanor
- Section 50-15-5.1 - Careless operation, voyeuristic or harassment purposes-Misdemeanor
- Section 50-15-6 - Trespassing-Affirmative defense-Misdemeanor
- Section 50-15-7 - Permitted for recreational or commercial purposes-Compliance required-State and local regulations limited
- Section 50-15-8 - General liability-Compliance with federal regulations
- Section 50-15-9 - Liability for violating privacy or trespass laws
- Section 50-15-10 - Authority of political subdivision
- Section 50-15-11 - Takeoff or landing of a drone within controlled-access facility or within public highway right-of-way-Penalty
- Section 50-15-12 - Chapter applicability
- Section 50-15-13 - Federal authority over airspace