S.D. Codified Laws § 43-25-18.3

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 43-25-18.3 - Hearing-Sale of lands and reinvestment in other lands on court finding allegations are true

If, upon the hearing, it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the allegations in the action are true and that because of changed conditions or circumstances since the execution of such conveyance it is impossible or impractical to continue to hold or use the lands for the purposes limited in such conveyance and that the religious, educational, charitable, benevolent, or public object of the grantor, as set forth in such conveyance, may be defeated thereby, a decree may be entered authorizing the grantee to sell such lands for the highest price obtainable, and directing that the proceeds of the sale of such lands shall be reinvested in other lands suitable for the use or purpose set forth in the original conveyance, subject to any reversionary interest or other interest in the original conveyance.

SDCL 43-25-18.3

SL 2005, ch 232, §3.