Following completion of any new well for domestic use, a water quality sample shall be collected and submitted to the Department of Health Laboratory or another laboratory approved by the department. If the well flows or if the well driller installs the pump, the well driller shall collect and submit the water quality sample. If the pump is not installed by the well driller, the owner shall collect and submit the water sample. The completed analysis shall be submitted to the department by the well driller or owner within thirty days after the submittal of the well completion report which is filed with the department pursuant to § 46-6-11. At a minimum, the water sample shall be analyzed for nitrate, coliform bacteria, sodium, conductivity, and sulfate. Other contaminants may be analyzed for at the option of the well owner or driller. The owner or well driller shall pay for the cost of all analyses.
SDCL 34A-3A-18