SDCL tit. 16, ch. 1A, app TO CHAPTER 16-1A, I, 2

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Organization of Commission
(a) The commission shall by majority vote each year elect one of their number as chair, one as vice chair, and one as secretary. In case of a vacancy in any office thereafter, the commission may by a majority vote select a new officer.
(b) In the event the chair is unable to attend a meeting or to perform duties of chair at any particular time, the vice chair shall exercise the duties of the chair until the latter is able to resume them. The chair shall preside at all general meetings of the commission, but may designate a member of the commission ("Presiding Commissioner") to preside at formal proceedings of the commission. The chair shall perform such other duties as are indicated in these rules or as customarily devolve upon the chair of a committee.
(c) The secretary shall have the duty to record minutes of each meeting in a minute book, which shall be a permanent record of the commission. In the absence or inability of the secretary to perform the duties of secretary, the chair may appoint an acting secretary to perform the duties of secretary.
(d) In the event of disqualification of a member of the commission in the consideration of a complaint against a judge, or in the nomination of a judge to fill a judicial vacancy, a majority of the commission may appoint a qualified substitute from the same classification that the disqualified member represents under SDCL 16-1A-2.

SDCL tit. 16, ch. 1A, app TO CHAPTER 16-1A, I, 2