SDCL tit. 16, ch. 17, app TO CHAPTER 16-17, art. XIV, 14.1

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session

The State Bar may amend or restate the Bylaws at its Annual Meeting. Any proposed amendment or restatement must be submitted to the Executive Director in writing at least 45 days before the Business Meeting. The Executive Director will notify Active Members, in the manner specified in these Bylaws, of properly submitted Bylaw change proposals at least 20 days before the Business Meeting. Active Members will vote on the proposed Bylaw changes Business Meeting. Members may propose amendments to the proposed Bylaw changes from the floor, but all floor amendment proposals must be in writing and pertain to the original Bylaw amendments. Bylaw amendments or restatement will be adopted by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Members present. Bylaw changes will not become effective until approved by the Supreme Court.

SDCL tit. 16, ch. 17, app TO CHAPTER 16-17, art. XIV, 14.1