The State Bar will conduct Commissioner elections at the Business Meeting according to the Election Cycle. The Executive Director will prepare, or cause to be prepared, ballots in the form determined by the Bar Commission. Only Active Members may vote in Commissioner elections. Any Commissioner candidate receiving a majority of the votes properly cast will be elected. If no Commissioner candidate receives a majority of the votes, the Commissioner candidate receiving the fewest votes will be eliminated from consideration as a Commissioner. The Members will then vote on the remaining candidates. Any Commissioner candidate receiving a majority of the votes properly cast will be elected. If no Commissioner candidate receives a majority of the votes, the Commissioner candidate receiving the fewest votes will be eliminated from consideration as a Commissioner. Voting and candidate elimination will continue in this manner until a candidate receives a majority of the votes. Tie votes will be determined by lot.
SDCL tit. 16, ch. 17, app TO CHAPTER 16-17, art. VII, 7.5