Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 88-536

Current with changes through the 2024 First Special Legislative Session
Section 88-536 - Receipts; issuance; requirements; commission; powers and duties; registration
(1) Within fifteen days after demand by the owner or deliverer of any grain to a warehouse for storage, the warehouse licensee shall issue a lawful negotiable or nonnegotiable receipt to such owner or deliverer of such grain. The receipt shall state the date of delivery, the name of the owner, and the grade, gross weight, dockage, and net weight of the grain represented in the receipt.
(a) The commission shall prepare forms for such receipts and may adopt procedures for the electronic issuance of such receipts. All warehouse licensees shall either use forms prepared by the commission for such receipts or follow procedures adopted by the commission for electronic issuance of such receipts. Warehouse licensees that use forms prepared by the commission shall register such receipts with the commission.
(b) The commission shall fix charges to be assessed and collected for such warehouse receipt forms not to exceed the cost of printing, delivering, and handling. Payment of such charges shall be made in advance of delivery of such receipt forms and shall entitle each such receipt to registration without any further charge or fee. The commission may make refunds of such charges for such unused receipt forms as may be returned to the commission.
(c) All procedures for electronic filing of receipts adopted by the commission shall comply with section 86-611. The commission may adopt authentication procedures to verify receipts issued electronically. Compliance with the authentication procedures adopted by the commission shall have the same validity as a signature on any receipt.
(3) Any warehouse licensee may issue a receipt to himself or herself as the owner of grain stored in his or her own warehouse, which receipt shall be registered with the commission. Upon receiving any such grain warehouse receipt for registration and being satisfied that the provisions of the Grain Warehouse Act and any rules and regulations adopted and promulgated pursuant to the act have been complied with, the commission shall cause such receipt to be registered.

Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 88-536

Laws 1987, LB 164, § 12; Laws 2003, LB 735, § 14.