Current with changes through 2024
Section 81-3117 - Chief executive officer; dutiesThe chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services shall:
(1) Supervise and be responsible for the administration of the department and the appointment and removal of employees;(2) Manage services and programs of the department, whether contracted or delivered directly by the state, including, but not limited to: (a) Delegating appropriate powers and duties to division directors and employees of the department;(b) assuring coordination throughout the department for consumers of services;(c) providing services in accordance with established policies, desired outcomes, priorities, and goals;(d) identifying strategies jointly with communities for accomplishing identified goals and outcomes; and(e) assuring service coordination and access through public education and information, community resource development, technical assistance, and coordinated service management;(3) Enter into such agreements as may be necessary or appropriate to provide services and manage funds as provided under the Health and Human Services Act, including the administration of federal funds granted to the state in the furtherance of the activities of the department;(4) Allow for the transfer of personnel and for the authority of one division of the department to act as the agent for another division of the department in carrying out certain services or functions, or a portion of them, or for the joint implementation of public or private grants or performance of contracts;(5) Recommend to the Legislature and the Governor legislation he or she deems necessary or appropriate;(6) Consult and cooperate with other state agencies so as to coordinate activities in an effective manner with related activities in other agencies;(7) Adopt and promulgate necessary rules and regulations to implement programs and activities as required by state law or under federal law or regulation governing federal funds, grants, or contracts administered by the department. The authority to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations may be delegated by the chief executive officer to the division directors of the department;(8) Under the direction and guidance of the Adjutant General and the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, to coordinate assistance programs established by the Adjutant General under section 81-829.72 with the programs of the department;(9) Coordinate budget, research, and data collection efforts to insure effectiveness of the department;(10) Ensure that the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature is provided any information the committee requires to make funding determinations and budget recommendations to the Legislature, including, but not limited to, specific program budgets, internal budget requests, fiscal reports, and appearances by division directors, division administrators, program administrators, and subprogram directors before the committee to present department, division, program, and subprogram budget requests;(11) Seek grants and other funds from federal and other public and private sources to carry out the purposes of the act and the missions and purposes of the department and to accept and administer programs or resources delegated, designated, assigned, or awarded by the Governor or by other public and private sources;(12) Act as the agent of the federal government in matters of mutual concern in conformity with the Health and Human Services Act and the scope of authority of the department as provided by law;(13) Facilitate joint planning initiatives in the department;(14) Adopt and promulgate confidentiality rules and regulations as provided in section 81-3118;(15) Delegate the authority to act as decisionmaker in contested cases to the division directors;(16) Encourage and direct initiatives and collaboration in the department; and(17) Perform such other duties as are provided by law.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-3117