Current with changes through 2024
Section 81-2217 - Area agency on aging; department; duties prior to designationBefore designating an area agency on aging for a planning-and-service area, the department shall:
(1) Provide written notice to the county government in the planning-and-service area of the pending designation no less than sixty days before taking action;(2) Conduct an onsite assessment to determine whether the agency which is being considered for designation as an area agency on aging has the capacity and authority to perform all the functions of an area agency on aging specified by the Nebraska Community Aging Services Act; and(3) Consider the views of the units of general-purpose local government within the planning-and-service area.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-2217
Laws 1982, LB 404, § 17; Laws 1991, LB 58, § 19.