- Section 79-705 - State Fire Day; Fire Recognition Day; designation; how observed
- Section 79-706 - Fire prevention instruction; requirements
- Section 79-707 - Flags; United States; State of Nebraska; display
- Section 79-708 - Flags and flagstaffs; provide; payment
- Section 79-709 - School work; annual exhibit; how conducted; premiums
- Section 79-710 - American Sign Language
- Section 79-711 - [Repealed]
- Section 79-712 - Public school; health education; requirements
- Section 79-713 - Commissioner of Education; drug education; course on health education; prepare; distribute
- Section 79-714 - School systems; tobacco, alcohol, and drugs; failure to instruct; action of State Department of Education
- Section 79-715 - Eye protective devices; required; when; term, defined; commissioner; duties
- Section 79-716 - [Repealed]
- Section 79-717 - [Repealed]
- Section 79-718 - Junior Mathematics Prognosis Examination; legislative intent
- Section 79-719 - Multicultural education, defined
- Section 79-720 - Multicultural education program; incorporation into curriculum; department; duties
- Section 79-721 - Multicultural education; school districts and department; duties; loss of accreditation
- Section 79-722 - Evaluation of multicultural education program; report
- Section 79-723 - Multicultural education; rules and regulations
- Section 79-724 - Committee on American civics; created; duties; school board, State Board of Education, and superintendent; duties
- Section 79-725 - Character education; principles of instruction; duty of teachers
- Section 79-726 - Character education; outline of instruction; duty of Commissioner of Education
- Section 79-727 - Rules and regulations; State Department of Education; duties
- Section 79-728 - Kindergarten programs; required