Current with changes through 2024
Section 72-815 - Vacant buildings and excess land; state building division; powers and duties; demolition; sale; lease; proceeds; disposition; maintenance; excess land at Hastings Regional Center; sale; distribution of proceeds(1) The state building division of the Department of Administrative Services shall be responsible for the sale, lease, or other disposal of a building or land, whichever action is ordered by the committee.(2) If a building is to be demolished, section 72-810 shall not apply, but the state building division shall notify the State Historic Preservation Officer of such demolition at least thirty days prior to the beginning of the demolition or disassembly so that the officer may collect any photographic or other evidence he or she may find of historic value.(3)(a) If a building or land is to be sold or leased, the state building division shall cause an appraisal to be made of the building or land. The sale, lease, or other disposal of the building or land shall comply with all relevant statutes pertaining to the sale or lease of surplus state property, except that if the state building division fails to receive an offer from a state agency in which the agency certifies that it (i) intends to use the building for the purposes for which it was designed, intended, or remodeled or to remodel the building for uses which will serve the agency's purposes or (ii) intends to use the land for the purposes for which it was acquired or received, the state building division shall then notify the Department of Economic Development that the building or land is available for sale or lease so that the department may refer to the state building division any potential buyers or lessees of which the department may be aware. The state building division may then sell or lease the building or land by such method as is to the best advantage of the State of Nebraska, including auction, sealed bid, or public sale and, if necessary, by private sale, but in all situations only after notice of the property sale is publicly advertised on at least two separate occasions in the newspaper with the largest circulation in the county where the surplus property is located and not less than thirty days prior to the sale of the property. The state building division may use the services of a real estate broker licensed under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act. Priority shall be given to other political subdivisions of state government, then to persons contracting with the state or political subdivisions of the state who will use the building or land for middle-income or low-income rental housing for at least fifteen years, and finally to referrals from the Department of Economic Development.(b) When a building or land designated for sale is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the state building division, in its discretion and based on the best interests of the state, may follow the procedure outlined in subdivision (3)(a) of this section or may sell the building or land by any method deemed in the best interests of the state to a not-for-profit community organization that intends to maintain the historic and cultural integrity of the building or land.(c) All sales and leases shall be in the name of the State of Nebraska. The state building division may provide that a deed of sale include restrictions on the building or land to ensure that the use and appearance of the building or land remain compatible with any adjacent state-owned property.(d) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4) of this section, the proceeds of the sale or lease shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Vacant Building and Excess Land Cash Fund unless the state agency formerly responsible for the building or land certifies to the state building division that the building or land was purchased in part or in total from cash, federal, or revolving funds, in which event, after the costs of selling or leasing the building or land are deducted from the proceeds of the sale or lease and such amount is credited to the fund, the remaining proceeds of the sale or lease shall be credited to the cash, federal, or revolving fund in the percentage used in originally purchasing the building or land.(4) Any state-owned military property, including any armories considered surplus property, shall be sold by such method as is to the best advantage of the State of Nebraska, including auction, sealed bid, or public sale, and if necessary, by private sale, but in all situations only after notice of the property sale is publicly advertised on at least two separate occasions in the newspaper with the largest circulation in the county where the surplus property is located and not less than thirty days prior to the sale of the property, and pursuant to section 72-816, all proceeds from the sale of the property, less maintenance expenses pending the sale and selling expenses, but including investment income on the sale proceeds of the property, shall be promptly transferred from the Vacant Building and Excess Land Cash Fund to the General Fund by the State Building Administrator.(5) The state building division shall be responsible for the maintenance of the building or land if maintenance is ordered by the committee and shall be responsible for maintenance of the building or land pending sale or lease of the building or land.(6) Land at the Hastings Regional Center determined by the committee to be excess shall be sold by such method as is to the best advantage of the State of Nebraska, including auction, sealed bid, or public sale and, if necessary, by private sale. The sale of land shall only occur after notice of the sale is publicly advertised on at least two separate occasions in the newspaper with the largest circulation in the county where the land is located and not less than thirty days prior to the sale of the land. The proceeds from the sale of the land, less maintenance expenses pending the sale and selling expenses, but including investment income on the sale proceeds, shall be promptly transferred from the Vacant Building and Excess Land Cash Fund by the State Treasurer as follows: (a) First, not exceeding five million three hundred seven thousand dollars to the General Fund; and(b) Second, not exceeding three million dollars of available proceeds remaining to the Nebraska Capital Construction Fund.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 72-815
Laws 1988, LB 1143, § 5; Laws 1989, LB 18, § 6; Laws 1990, LB 830, § 5; Laws 1992, LB 1241, § 10; Laws 2000, LB 1216, § 21; Laws 2003, LB 403, § 6; Laws 2010, LB 722, § 2; Laws 2013, LB 199, § 30.