Section 71-6301 - Terms, definedFor purposes of the Asbestos Control Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Asbestos means asbestiform varieties of chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite;(2) Asbestos encapsulation project means activities which include the coating of asbestos-containing surface material with a bridging or penetrating type of sealing material for the intended purpose of preventing the continued release of asbestos fibers from the material into the air. Such project does not include the repainting of a previously painted nonfriable asbestos-containing surface which is not damaged primarily for improving the appearance of such surface;(3) Asbestos enclosure project means activities which physically isolate friable asbestos and which control and contain fibers released from asbestos-containing material by constructing a permanent airtight barrier between the asbestos-containing material and the occupied building space;(4) Asbestos occupation means an inspector, management planner, project designer, project monitor, supervisor, or worker;(5) Asbestos project means an asbestos enclosure project, an asbestos encapsulation project, an asbestos removal project, an asbestos-related demolition project, or an asbestos-related dismantling project but does not include (a) any activities which affect three square feet or less or three linear feet or less of asbestos-containing material on or in a structure or equipment or any appurtenances thereto or (b) any activities physically performed by a homeowner, a member of the homeowner's family, or an unpaid volunteer on or in the homeowner's residential property of four units or less;(6) Asbestos removal project means activities which include the physical removal of friable asbestos-containing material from the surface of a structure or from equipment which is intended to remain in place after the removal. Such project also includes the physical removal of asbestos from a structure or equipment after such structure or equipment has been removed as part of an asbestos-related dismantling project;(7) Asbestos-related demolition project means activities which include the razing of all or a portion of a structure which contains friable asbestos-containing materials or other asbestos-containing materials which may become friable when such materials are cut, crushed, ground, abraded, or pulverized;(8) Asbestos-related dismantling project means activities which include the disassembly, handling, and moving of the components of any structure or equipment which has been coated with asbestos-containing material without first removing such material from the structure or from the equipment;(9) Business entity means a partnership, limited liability company, firm, association, corporation, sole proprietorship, public entity, or other public or private business concern involved in an asbestos project except an entity solely involved as a management planner or project designer;(10) Demolition means the wrecking, razing, or removal of any structure or load-supporting structural item of any structure, including any related material handling operations, and includes the intentional burning of any structure;(11) Department means the Department of Health and Human Services;(12) Enclosure means the construction of an airtight, impermeable, permanent barrier around asbestos-containing material to control the release of asbestos fibers into the air;(13) Friable asbestos means asbestos in a form which can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure;(14) Inspector means an individual who is licensed by the department to identify and assess the condition of asbestos-containing material;(15) Instructor means an individual who is approved by the department to teach an asbestos-related training course;(16) License means an authorization issued by the department to an individual to engage in a profession or to a business to provide services which would otherwise be unlawful in this state in the absence of such authorization;(17) Management planner means an individual who is licensed by the department to assess the hazard of materials containing asbestos, to determine the appropriate response actions, and to write management plans;(18) Project designer means an individual who is licensed by the department to formulate plans and write specifications for conducting asbestos projects;(19) Project monitor means an individual who is licensed by the department to observe abatement activities performed by contractors, to represent the building owner to ensure work is completed according to specifications and in compliance with statutes and regulations, and to perform air monitoring to determine final clearance;(20) Project review means review of a licensed business entity's proposed asbestos project;(21) Renovation means the altering of a structure, one or more structural items, or one or more equipment items in any way, including any asbestos project performed on a structure, structural item, or equipment item;(22) Supervisor means an individual who is licensed by the department to supervise and direct an asbestos project in accordance with the Asbestos Control Act and the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated pursuant to such act; and(23) Worker means an individual who is licensed by the department to clean, handle, repair, remove, encapsulate, haul, dispose of, or otherwise work with asbestos material in a nonsupervisory capacity.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 71-6301
Laws 1986, LB 1051, § 1; Laws 1988, LB 1073, § 1; Laws 1990, LB 923, § 1; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 454; Laws 1995, LB 406, § 73; Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 761; Laws 2007, LB296, § 654; Laws 2007, LB463, § 1243.