Section 67-283 - Foreign limited partnership; name; agent(a) A foreign limited partnership may register with the Secretary of State under any name, whether or not it is the name under which it is registered in its state or country of organization, that includes the words limited partnership or limited or the abbreviations L.P. or Ltd. and that could be registered by a domestic limited partnership. A foreign limited partnership may register under any name which is deceptively similar to, upon the records in the office of the Secretary of State, the name of any domestic or foreign corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership reserved, registered, or organized under the laws of this state with the consent of the other corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership or with the transfer of such name by the other corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership, which written consent or transfer shall be filed with the Secretary of State.(b) Each foreign limited partnership shall have and maintain in this state an agent for service of process on the limited partnership, which agent may be either an individual resident of this state, a domestic corporation, a foreign corporation authorized to do business in this state, a domestic limited liability company, or a foreign limited liability company authorized to do business in this state. The appointment of the Secretary of State as agent for service of process pursuant to subdivision (a)(3) of section 67-281 shall not relieve a foreign limited partnership from its obligations pursuant to this section or from the consequences of failure to discharge its obligations under this section.(c) An agent may change his, her, or its street address and post office box number, if any, for service of process to another street address and post office box number, if any, in this state by paying a fee as set forth in section 67-293 and filing with the Secretary of State a certificate, executed by the agent, setting forth the names of the foreign limited partnerships represented by the agent, the street address and post office box number, if any, at which such agent has maintained his, her, or its office as agent for each of such foreign limited partnerships, and the new street address and post office box number, if any, to which his, her, or its office will be changed on a given day, at which new street address and post office box number, if any, the agent will thereafter maintain his, her, or its office as agent for each of the foreign limited partnerships recited in the certificate. Upon the filing of the certificate, the Secretary of State shall furnish to the agent a copy of the same, and thereafter or until further change of street address or post office box number, if any, as authorized by law, the office of the agent in this state for each of the foreign limited partnerships recited in the certificate shall be located at the new street address and post office box number, if any. Filing of the certificate shall be deemed to be an amendment of the registration of each foreign limited partnership affected thereby, and each such foreign limited partnership shall not be required to take any further action to amend its registration. Any agent filing a certificate under this section shall promptly, upon filing, deliver a copy of such certificate to each foreign limited partnership affected thereby.(d) The agent of one or more foreign limited partnerships may resign and appoint a successor agent by paying a fee as set forth in section 67-293 and filing a certificate with the Secretary of State, stating that the agent is resigning and the name and street address and post office box number, if any, of the successor agent. There shall be attached to such certificate a statement executed by each affected foreign limited partnership ratifying and approving such change of agent. Upon such filing, the successor agent shall become the agent of such foreign limited partnerships as have ratified and approved such substitution. The Secretary of State shall furnish to the successor agent a copy of the certificate of resignation. Filing of the certificate of resignation shall be deemed to be an amendment of the registration of each foreign limited partnership affected thereby, and each such foreign limited partnership shall not be required to take any further action to amend its registration.(e) The agent of one or more foreign limited partnerships may resign without appointing a successor agent by paying a fee as set forth in section 67-293 and filing a certificate with the Secretary of State stating that the agent is resigning as agent for the foreign limited partnerships identified in the certificate, but such resignation shall not become effective until one hundred twenty days after the certificate is filed. There shall be attached to such certificate an affidavit of such agent, if an individual, or of the president, a vice president, or the secretary, if a corporation, or of the manager or a member, if a limited liability company, that, at least thirty days prior to the date of filing of the certificate, notice of the resignation of such agent was sent, by certified or registered mail, to each foreign limited partnership for which such agent is resigning as agent, at the principal office thereof within or outside this state if known to such agent or, if not, to the last-known address of the attorney or other individual at whose request such agent was appointed for such foreign limited partnership. After receipt of the notice of the resignation of its agent, the foreign limited partnership for which such agent was acting shall obtain and designate a new agent to take the place of the agent so resigning. If such foreign limited partnership fails to obtain and designate a new agent prior to the expiration of the period of one hundred twenty days after the filing of the certificate of resignation, such foreign limited partnership shall not be permitted to do business in this state and its registration shall be deemed to be canceled.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 67-283
Laws 1981, LB 272, § 51; Laws 1989, LB 482, § 53; Laws 1990, LB 1228, § 7; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 407; Laws 2003, LB 464, § 8; Laws 2008, LB383, § 5.