Section 54-1,115 - Livestock transportation authority form; requirements; violation; penalty(1) Any person, other than the owner or the owner's employee, using a motor vehicle or trailer to transport livestock or carcasses over any land within the State of Nebraska not owned or rented by such person or who is so transporting such livestock upon a highway, public street, or thoroughfare within the State of Nebraska shall have in his or her possession a livestock transportation authority form, certificate of inspection, or shipping certificate from a registered feedlot, authorizing such movement as to each head of livestock transported by such vehicle.(2) A livestock transportation authority form shall be in writing and shall state the name of the owner of the livestock, the owner's post office address, the place from which the livestock are being moved, including the name of the ranch, if any, the destination, the name and address of the carrier, the license number and make of motor vehicle to which consigned, together with the number of livestock and a description thereof including kind, sex, breed, color, and marks, if any, and in the case of livestock shipments originating within the brand inspection area, the brands, if there are any. The authority form shall be signed by the owner of the livestock or the owner's authorized agent.(3) Any peace officer, based upon probable cause to question the ownership of the livestock being transported, may stop a motor vehicle or motor vehicle and trailer and request exhibition of any authority form or certificate required by this section.(4) A violation of this section is an infraction. A peace officer shall have the authority to write a citation, which shall be waivable, to offenders in violation of this section. A fine under this section shall not exceed two hundred dollars per head for each offense. Violations shall be charged in the county in which the offense occurred.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 54-1,115
Laws 1999, LB 778, § 46; Laws 2000, LB 213, § 8; Laws 2017, LB 600, § 11; Laws 2021, LB 572, § 27.Amended by Laws 2021, LB 572,§ 27, eff. 8/28/2021.Amended by Laws 2017, LB 600,§ 11, eff. 8/24/2017.