Section 48-821 - Public service; interference; coercion; violation; penaltyIt shall be unlawful for any person:
(1) To hinder, delay, limit or suspend the continuity or efficiency of any governmental service or any governmental service in a proprietary capacity, or the service of any public utility, by lockout, strike, slowdown, or other work stoppage;(2) To coerce, instigate, induce, conspire with, intimidate or encourage any person to participate in any lockout, strike, slowdown or other work stoppage, which would hinder, delay, limit or suspend the continuity or efficiency of any governmental service or governmental service in a proprietary capacity, or the service of any public utility; or(3) To aid or assist any such lockout, strike, slowdown, or other work stoppage by giving direction or guidance in the conduct of any such lockout, strike, slowdown or other work stoppage or by providing funds for the conduct or direction thereof, or for the payment of strike, unemployment or other benefits to those participating therein.Any person who willfully violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 48-821
Laws 1947, c. 178, § 21, p. 594; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 298.