- Section 48-401 - Water closets; duty of employer to provide
- Section 48-402 - Dressing rooms; duty to provide; rights of lessee
- Section 48-403 - Ventilation; dust and fumes; fans required
- Section 48-404 - Sanitation; duty of employer
- Section 48-405 - Grinding machines; dust; blowers required
- Section 48-406 - Emery wheels and grindstones; use and operation
- Section 48-407 - Emery wheels and grindstones; hoods or hoppers required
- Section 48-408 - Emery wheels; suction pipes required; capacity
- Section 48-409 - Machinery; safety devices required
- Section 48-410 - Revolving machines; screens required
- Section 48-411 - Woodworking machinery; safety devices
- Section 48-412 - Safety appliances; codes and standards
- Section 48-413 - Safety codes; adopt, amend, or repeal; Nebraska Safety Code for Building Construction; procedures
- Section 48-414 - Safety codes; enforcement; violation; penalty; coverage of sections
- Section 48-415 - Safety codes; validity or reasonableness; appeal to Commissioner of Labor
- Section 48-416 - Appeal; procedure
- Section 48-417 - Electric plants; safety regulations
- Section 48-418 - Transferred
- Section 48-418.01 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.02 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.03 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.04 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.05 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.06 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.07 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.08 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.09 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.10 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.11 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.12 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.13 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-418.14 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-419 - Steam boilers; repairs; safety regulations
- Section 48-420 - Fire escapes; when required
- Section 48-421 - Accidents; reports; contents
- Section 48-422 - Violations; liability for injuries
- Section 48-423 - Violations; assumption of risk
- Section 48-424 - Health and safety regulations; violations; penalty
- Section 48-425 - Scaffolds or staging; safety requirements
- Section 48-426 - Buildings; construction; supports, floor strength
- Section 48-427 - Buildings; construction; floor loads; notice
- Section 48-428 - Scaffolding; platforms; inspection; notice; duty to render safe
- Section 48-429 - Scaffolding; staging; safety devices
- Section 48-430 - Buildings; floors; safety regulations
- Section 48-431 - Buildings; construction; elevating machines or hoists; safety regulations
- Section 48-432 - Buildings; elevating machines or hoists; signals
- Section 48-433 - Building plans; duty of architects or draftsmen; violation; penalty
- Section 48-434 - Violations; penalty; prosecution
- Section 48-435 - Buildings; construction; violations; assumption of risk
- Section 48-436 - Terms, defined
- Section 48-437 - High voltage lines; prohibited acts; penalty
- Section 48-438 - High voltage lines; tools, equipment, materials, or buildings; operation, movement, or erection; use; conditions
- Section 48-439 - Posting of warning signs
- Section 48-440 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-441 - Sections, when not applicable
- Section 48-442 - Violations; penalty
- Section 48-443 - Safety committee; when required; membership; employee rights and remedies
- Section 48-444 - Safety committee; failure to establish; violation; penalty
- Section 48-445 - Safety committee; rules and regulations
- Section 48-446 - Workplace Safety Consultation Program; created; inspections and consultations; elimination of hazards; fees; Workplace Safety Consultation Program Cash Fund; created; use; investment; records; violation; penalty; Department of Labor; powers and duties; liability
- Section 48-447 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-448 - [Repealed]
- Section 48-449 - [Repealed]