- Section 48-119 - Compensation; from what date computed
- Section 48-120 - Medical, surgical, and hospital services; employer's liability; fee schedule; physician, right to select; procedures; powers and duties; court; powers; dispute resolution procedure; managed care plan
- Section 48-120.01 - Terms, defined
- Section 48-120.02 - Managed care plan; certification; application; requirements; conditions; dispute resolution procedure; required; independent medical examiner; compensation court; powers and duties; Attorney General; duties
- Section 48-120.03 - Generic drugs; use
- Section 48-120.04 - Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule; trauma services inpatient hospital fee schedule; established; applicability; adjustments; methodology; hospital; duties; reports; compensation court; powers and duties
- Section 48-121 - Compensation; schedule; total, partial, and temporary disability; injury to specific parts of the body; amounts and duration of payments
- Section 48-121.01 - Maximum and minimum weekly income benefit; amounts; Governor; power to suspend
- Section 48-121.02 - State average weekly wage; how determined
- Section 48-122 - Compensation; injuries causing death; amount and duration of payments; computation of wages; expenses of burial; alien dependents; appointment of attorney in fact; bond; filing required
- Section 48-122.01 - Compensation; schedule
- Section 48-122.02 - Compensation; cessation of income benefits; income benefits
- Section 48-122.03 - Compensation; maximum weekly income benefits in case of death
- Section 48-123 - Compensation; death of employee receiving disability payments; schedule
- Section 48-124 - Dependents; terms, defined
- Section 48-125 - Compensation; method of payment; payment by prepaid card; agreement; disclosure of fees or charges; election to rescind agreement; delay; appeal; attorney's fees; interest
- Section 48-125.01 - Compensation; penalties for attempted avoidance of payment
- Section 48-125.02 - State employee claim; Prompt Payment Act applicable; other claims; processing of claim; requirements; failure to pay; effect; presumption of payment
- Section 48-126 - Wages, defined; calculation
- Section 48-126.01 - Wages or compensation rate; basis of computation
- Section 48-127 - Compensation; willful negligence; intoxication; effect
- Section 48-128 - Compensation; injury increasing disability; second injury; additional compensation; claim
- Section 48-129 - Compensation; joint employers; liability
- Section 48-130 - Compensation; savings; insurance; other benefits; not factors
- Section 48-131 - Compensation; waiver by employee invalid
- Section 48-132 - Compensation; employees or dependents under disability; rights; enforcement
- Section 48-133 - Compensation; notice of injury; time; service