Section 28-713.03 - Rules and regulations(1) The department shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations consistent with Laws 2020, LB1061, and shall revoke any rules and regulations inconsistent with Laws 2020, LB1061, by July 1, 2021.(2) The department shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations regarding (a) the maximum time allowed between receiving a report of child abuse or neglect and an assigned caseworker making contact with the affected family, (b) the maximum amount of time between receipt of a report and the completion of an assessment or investigation, (c) the transfer of cases from alternative response to traditional response, (d) the criteria and process to be used by the Review, Evaluate, and Decide Team, and (e) the process used to accept and categorize reports, including the operation of the hotline established under section 28-711.(3) The department shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations describing the process for non-court-involved cases, the right of any child, parent, kin caregiver, or relative caregiver to an administrative appeal of any department action or inaction in a non-court-involved case, and the process for finding that a child is seriously endangered.