All carnival companies, booking agencies, or shows that enter into any contract with the Nebraska State Fair Board, any county agricultural society, or any county fair board may be required, within thirty days after the execution of the contract, to either deposit cash or a certified check payable to the State of Nebraska, the county agricultural society, or the county fair board, as appropriate, or execute and file with the chairperson of the Nebraska State Fair Board, the county agricultural society, or the county fair board, as appropriate, a good and sufficient bond with a corporate surety. The Nebraska State Fair Board, the county agricultural society, or the county fair board, as appropriate, shall determine the amount of the deposit or bond required. Such security shall run to the State of Nebraska, the county agricultural society, or the county fair board, as appropriate, on the condition that the carnival company, booking agency, or show will faithfully perform any contract entered into by it during a period of one year from the date of execution of the contract and shall, at the time of the filing of the cash, certified check, or bond, file a sworn statement giving the names and addresses of the owners of the carnival company, booking agency, or show. Further cash, certified check, or bond shall not be required on signing any subsequent contract during the year such bond is in force.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 2-220.01