Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 70A.15.1005 - Declaration of public policies and purpose
- Section 70A.15.1010 - Air pollution control account-Air operating permit account
- Section 70A.15.1030 - Definitions
- Section 70A.15.1040 - Environmental excellence program agreements-Effect on chapter
- Section 70A.15.1050 - Technical assistance program for regulated community
- Section 70A.15.1060 - Transportation activities-"Conformity" determination requirements
- Section 70A.15.1070 - Causing or permitting air pollution unlawful-Exception
- Section 70A.15.1080 - Exception-Burning wood at historic structure
- Section 70A.15.1090 - Policy to cooperate with federal government
- Section 70A.15.1100 - Issuance of enforceable order-Overburdened communities
- Section 70A.15.1110 - Limitations on the use of gas—Prohibition
- Section 70A.15.1500 - Air pollution control authorities created-Activated authorities, composition, meetings-Delineation of air pollution regions, considerations
- Section 70A.15.1510 - Air pollution control authority may be activated by counties, when
- Section 70A.15.1520 - Multicounty authority may be formed by contiguous counties-Name
- Section 70A.15.1530 - Merger of active and inactive authorities to form multicounty or regional authority-Procedure
- Section 70A.15.1540 - Merger of active and inactive authorities to form multicounty or regional authority-Reorganization of board of directors-Rules and regulations
- Section 70A.15.1550 - Resolutions activating authorities-Contents-Filings-Effective date of operation
- Section 70A.15.1560 - Powers and duties of authorities
- Section 70A.15.1570 - Cost-reimbursement agreements
- Section 70A.15.1580 - Excess tax levy authorized-Election, procedure, expense
- Section 70A.15.1590 - Air pollution control authority-Fiscal year-Adoption of budget-Contents
- Section 70A.15.1600 - Methods for determining proportion of supplemental income to be paid by component cities, towns and counties-Payment
- Section 70A.15.1610 - Designation of authority treasurer and auditor-Duties
- Section 70A.15.1620 - Assessed valuation of taxable property, certification by county assessors
- Section 70A.15.1630 - Authorization to borrow money
- Section 70A.15.1640 - Special air pollution studies-Contracts for conduct of
- Section 70A.15.2000 - Air pollution control authority-Board of directors-Composition-Term
- Section 70A.15.2010 - City selection committees
- Section 70A.15.2020 - City selection committees-Meetings, notice, recording officer-Alternative mail balloting-Notice
- Section 70A.15.2030 - Air pollution control authority-Board of directors-Powers, quorum, officers, compensation
- Section 70A.15.2040 - Air pollution control authority-Powers and duties of activated authority
- Section 70A.15.2050 - Subpoena powers-Witnesses, expenses and mileage-Rules and regulations
- Section 70A.15.2060 - Federal aid
- Section 70A.15.2200 - Classification of air contaminant sources-Registration-Fee-Registration program defined-Adoption of rules requiring persons to report emissions of greenhouse gases
- Section 70A.15.2210 - Notice may be required of construction of proposed new contaminant source-Submission of plans-Approval, disapproval-Emission control-"De minimis new sources" defined
- Section 70A.15.2220 - Existing stationary source-Replacement or substantial alteration of emission control technology
- Section 70A.15.2230 - RACT requirements
- Section 70A.15.2240 - Control of emissions-Bubble concept-Schedules of compliance
- Section 70A.15.2250 - Preemption of uniform building and fire codes
- Section 70A.15.2260 - Operating permits for air contaminant sources-Generally-Fees, report to legislature
- Section 70A.15.2270 - Annual fees from operating permit program source to cover cost of program
- Section 70A.15.2280 - Source categories not required to have a permit-Recommendations
- Section 70A.15.2290 - Gasoline vapor recovery devices-Limitation on requiring
- Section 70A.15.2300 - Air pollution control authority control officer
- Section 70A.15.2310 - Variances-Application for-Considerations-Limitations-Renewals-Review
- Section 70A.15.2500 - Investigation of conditions by control officer or department-Entering private, public property
- Section 70A.15.2510 - Confidentiality of records and information
- Section 70A.15.2520 - Enforcement actions by air authority-Notice to violators
- Section 70A.15.2530 - Order final unless appealed to pollution control hearings board
- Section 70A.15.2540 - Rules of authority supersede local rules, regulations, etc.-Exceptions
- Section 70A.15.2550 - Air pollution control authority-Dissolution of prior districts-Continuation of rules and regulations until superseded
- Section 70A.15.2560 - Air pollution control advisory council
- Section 70A.15.2570 - Dissolution of authority-Deactivation of authority
- Section 70A.15.2580 - Withdrawal from multicounty authority
- Section 70A.15.2590 - Certain generators fueled by biogas produced by an anaerobic digester-Extended compliance period for permit provisions related to the emissions limit for sulfur-Technical assistance
- Section 70A.15.3000 - Powers and duties of department
- Section 70A.15.3010 - Enforcement actions by department-Notice to violators
- Section 70A.15.3020 - Hazardous substance remedial actions-Procedural requirements not applicable
- Section 70A.15.3030 - Contracts, agreements for use of personnel by department-Reimbursement-Merit system regulations waived
- Section 70A.15.3040 - Powers and rights of governmental units and persons are not limited by act or recommendations
- Section 70A.15.3050 - Emission control requirements
- Section 70A.15.3060 - State financial aid-Application for-Requirements
- Section 70A.15.3070 - Hearing upon activation of authority-Finding-Assumption of jurisdiction by department-Expenses
- Section 70A.15.3080 - Air contaminant sources-Regulation by department; authorities may be more stringent-Hearing-Standards
- Section 70A.15.3090 - Order activating authority-Filing-Hearing-Amendment of order
- Section 70A.15.3100 - Air pollution control authority-Review by department of program
- Section 70A.15.3110 - Air pollution control authority-Assumption of control by department
- Section 70A.15.3120 - State departments and agencies to cooperate with department and authorities
- Section 70A.15.3130 - Department of health powers regarding radionuclides-Energy facility site evaluation council authority over permit program sources
- Section 70A.15.3140 - Restraining orders-Injunctions
- Section 70A.15.3150 - Penalties
- Section 70A.15.3160 - Civil penalties-Excusable excess emissions
- Section 70A.15.3170 - Additional means for enforcement of chapter
- Section 70A.15.3180 - Short title
- Section 70A.15.3500 - Woodstoves-Policy
- Section 70A.15.3510 - Woodstoves-Definitions
- Section 70A.15.3520 - Residential and commercial construction-Burning and heating device standards
- Section 70A.15.3530 - Solid fuel burning devices-Emission performance standards
- Section 70A.15.3540 - Sale of unapproved woodstoves-Prohibited
- Section 70A.15.3550 - Sale of unapproved woodstoves-Penalty
- Section 70A.15.3560 - Sale of unapproved woodstoves-Application of law to advertising media
- Section 70A.15.3570 - Residential solid fuel burning devices-Opacity levels-Enforcement and public education
- Section 70A.15.3580 - Limitations on burning wood for heat-First and second stage burn bans-Report on second stage burn ban-Exceptions-Emergency situations
- Section 70A.15.3590 - Liability of condominium owners' association or resident association
- Section 70A.15.3600 - Limitations on use of solid fuel burning devices
- Section 70A.15.3610 - Woodstove education program
- Section 70A.15.3620 - Woodstove education and enforcement account created-Fee imposed on solid fuel burning device sales
- Section 70A.15.3630 - Woodsmoke emissions-Findings
- Section 70A.15.4000 - Transportation demand management-Findings
- Section 70A.15.4010 - Transportation demand management-Definitions
- Section 70A.15.4020 - Transportation demand management-Requirements for counties and cities
- Section 70A.15.4030 - Transportation demand management-Growth and transportation efficiency centers
- Section 70A.15.4040 - Transportation demand management-Requirements for employers
- Section 70A.15.4050 - Transportation demand management-Jurisdictions' review and penalties
- Section 70A.15.4060 - Transportation demand management-Commute trip reduction board
- Section 70A.15.4070 - Transportation demand management-Technical assistance
- Section 70A.15.4080 - Transportation demand management-Use of funds
- Section 70A.15.4090 - Transportation demand management-Intent-State leadership
- Section 70A.15.4100 - Transportation demand management-State agencies-Joint comprehensive commute trip reduction plan-Reports
- Section 70A.15.4110 - Transportation demand management-Collective bargaining powers unaffected
- Section 70A.15.4200 - Zero emission school bus grant program
- Section 70A.15.4500 - Reports of authorities to department of ecology-Contents
- Section 70A.15.4510 - Burning used oil fuel in land-based facilities
- Section 70A.15.4520 - Metals mining and milling operations permits-Inspections by department of ecology
- Section 70A.15.4530 - Odors or fugitive dust caused by agricultural activities consistent with good agricultural practices exempt from chapter
- Section 70A.15.4540 - Ammonia emissions from use as agricultural or silvicultural fertilizer-Regulation prohibited
- Section 70A.15.5000 - Definition of "outdoor burning."
- Section 70A.15.5010 - Outdoor burning-Fires prohibited-Exceptions
- Section 70A.15.5020 - Outdoor burning-Areas where prohibited-Exceptions-Use for management of storm or flood-related debris-Silvicultural burning
- Section 70A.15.5030 - Outdoor burning-Permits issued by political subdivisions
- Section 70A.15.5040 - Limited outdoor burning-Establishment of program
- Section 70A.15.5050 - Limited outdoor burning-Construction
- Section 70A.15.5060 - Limited outdoor burning-Authority of local air pollution control authority or department of ecology to allow outdoor fires not restricted
- Section 70A.15.5070 - Limited outdoor burning-Program-Exceptions
- Section 70A.15.5080 - Limited outdoor burning-Permits issued by political subdivisions-Types of fires permitted
- Section 70A.15.5090 - Permits-Issuance-Conditioning of permits-Fees-Agricultural burning practices and research task force-Development of public education materials-Agricultural activities
- Section 70A.15.5100 - Delegation of permit issuance and enforcement to political subdivisions
- Section 70A.15.5110 - Open burning of grasses grown for seed-Alternatives-Studies-Deposit of permit fees in special grass seed burning account-Procedures-Limitations-Report
- Section 70A.15.5120 - Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations-Issuance-Fees
- Section 70A.15.5130 - Silvicultural forest burning-Reduce statewide emissions-Exemption-Monitoring program
- Section 70A.15.5140 - Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations-Conditions for issuance and use of permits-Air quality standards to be met-Alternate methods to lessen forest debris
- Section 70A.15.5150 - Cooperation between department of natural resources and state, local, or regional air pollution authorities-Withholding of permits
- Section 70A.15.5160 - Adoption of rules
- Section 70A.15.5170 - Burning permits for regeneration of rare and endangered plants
- Section 70A.15.5180 - Aircraft crash rescue fire training-Training to fight structural fires-Training to fight forest fires-Other firefighter instruction
- Section 70A.15.5190 - Outdoor burning allowed for managing storm or flood-related debris
- Section 70A.15.5200 - Fires necessary for Indian ceremonies or smoke signals
- Section 70A.15.5210 - Permit to set fires for weed abatement
- Section 70A.15.5220 - Disposal of tumbleweeds
- Section 70A.15.6000 - Air pollution episodes-Legislative finding-Declaration of policy
- Section 70A.15.6010 - Air pollution episodes-Episode avoidance plan-Contents-Source emission reduction plans-Authority-Considered orders
- Section 70A.15.6020 - Air pollution episodes-Declaration of air pollution emergency by governor
- Section 70A.15.6030 - Air pollution episodes-Restraining orders, temporary injunctions to enforce orders-Procedure
- Section 70A.15.6040 - Air pollution episodes-Orders to be effective immediately
- Section 70A.15.6050 - Plans approved pursuant to federal clean air act-Enforcement authority
- Section 70A.15.6200 - Legislative declaration-Intent
- Section 70A.15.6210 - Definitions
- Section 70A.15.6220 - Monitoring by department of ecology
- Section 70A.15.6230 - Emission credits banking program-Amount of credit
- Section 70A.15.6240 - Department of ecology may accept delegation of programs
- Section 70A.15.6250 - Evaluation of information on acid deposition in Pacific Northwest-Establishment of critical levels-Notification of legislature
- Section 70A.15.6260 - Establishment of critical deposition and acidification levels-Considerations
- Section 70A.15.6270 - Carbon dioxide mitigation-Fees
- Section 70A.15.6400 - Clean fuel matching grants for public transit, vehicle mechanics, and refueling infrastructure
- Section 70A.15.6440 - Stationary natural gas engines used in combined heat and power systems-Permitting process-Emission limits
- Section 70A.15.6450 - Boiler or process heaters-Assessment and reporting requirements
- Section 70A.15.6455 - Restitution following a criminal conviction
- Section 70A.15.9001 - Construction-1967 c 238
- Section 70A.15.9002 - Construction, repeal of RCW 70.94.061 through 70.94.066-Saving
- Section 70A.15.9003 - Effective dates-1991 c 199
- Section 70A.15.9004 - Severability-1967 c 238