Wash. Rev. Code § 70.74.191
The laws contained in this chapter and regulations prescribed by the department of labor and industries pursuant to this chapter shall not apply to:
RCW 70.74.191
Severability-2002 c 370: See note following RCW 70.77.126.
Severability-1993 c 293: See note following RCW 70.74.010.
Purpose-1985 c 191: "It is the purpose of this 1985 act to protect the public by enabling ski area operators to exercise appropriate avalanche control measures. The legislature finds that avalanche control is of vital importance to safety in ski areas and that the provisions of the Washington state explosives act contain restrictions which do not reflect special needs for the use of explosives as a means of clearing an area of serious avalanche risks. This 1985 act recognizes these needs while providing for a system of regulations designed to ensure that the use of explosives for avalanche control conforms to fundamental safety requirements." [ 1985 c 191 s 1.]